Wednesday, September 20, 2023


City councilors have official roles that they play, especially where each serves as chair, co-chair, or secretary on the committees to which they are assigned by the council president.

In addition, some councilors take on an additional role that they choose either consciously or unconsciously based on individual personality, philosophy, or view of local government.

Take for example Council Vice President Piccirilli, who serves unofficially, either consciously or unconsciously, as the Dampener of Expectations. In both council and committee meetings, Councilor Piccirilli can be counted on to answer impatient members of the public, who are insisting on immediate resolution to their proposals, with these three momentum stoppers:

"These things take time."


"Government moves slowly."


"You know what they say about making the sausage."

Often, I am happy to hear him tap the brakes. It gives me hope that certain whacky pieces of business before the council will die a slow death. But, does local government always have to be slow? Aren’t there times when our legislative body can and should press the pedal to the metal?

Watertown just survived a highly unusual summer. While residents spent recent summers facing drought conditions, this summer’s weather alternated between heat and humidity and downpours. Beginning in late June, the ground became saturated, adding more moisture to an overheated and disturbed atmosphere through constant evaporation.

The record-high average sea surface temperature of 76.8 degrees in the North Atlantic Ocean added to the potential for a series of “perfect storms.” The more we learn, the clearer it becomes that Watertown dodged a bullet or possibly multiple bullets.

Other municipalities in our region were not so fortunate.

The devastating storm that hit Vermont on Monday and Tuesday, July 10 and 11  turned out to be the canary in the coal mine. Over those two days, parts of Vermont received two months of rainfall. Montpelier, the capital, which is just a three-hour drive from Watertown, got the worst of it. Montpelier's July rainfall set an all-time monthly record of 12.06 inches, beating the previous monthly record of 10.9 inches set in August 1989.

In many parts of Vermont, prior to the July 10 storm, approximately eight inches of rain had fallen since the last week of June — triple what’s considered normal for that period.

Two people died in the flooding and more than 4,000 homes and 800 businesses reported damage.

Damage from this storm has been compared to Tropical Storm Irene in 2011, which prompted Vermont’s state government to spend heavily on shoring up its infrastructure. So this wasn’t a case of total unpreparedness. It was bad luck that the July 2023 storm exposed major infrastructure weaknesses that had not been addressed in the aftermath of the 2011 storm.

Now, Montpelier has a decision to make. They can decide to repair just the current damage, which is extensive, and hope their bad luck is behind them, at least for another decade. But that might not be a good gamble.

“It’s definitely going to happen again,” said Lauren Oates of the Nature Conservancy of Vermont. “It’s not a question of if, but when and how bad next time.”

Maybe Montpelier’s leaders have already adopted a realistic sense of urgency and will opt for something truly transformative. Something like an infrastructure Manhattan Project. Time will tell.

Closer to home, 40 miles to our south, Attleboro and North Attleboro were hit with three consequential storms in three consecutive months.

On Sunday, July 16, waves of heavy rainfall thundered through the North Attleboro / Attleboro area, starting in the morning and lasting into the night, causing flooding that overflowed storm drains, and flooded streets, yards, and basements.

 Almost exactly one month later on Friday, August 18, the next storm hit, bringing heavy rain and strong winds. Here’s one person’s vivid description:

"The rain was just going sideways and the wind picked up more, which I couldn't believe it …and the next thing I saw was sparks coming from the electrical line and it was bouncing onto the street. It was the scariest thing I've ever been through in my entire life."

The National Weather Service later confirmed that the storm had spawned a tornado. One witness said, ‘In the moments before it hit, it sounded like a train barreling toward them.” Drivers on I-93 reported seeing cars hydroplaning.

The third storm hit the Attleboro area a few weeks later on Monday, September 11, and continued through the day on Tuesday.

Town officials reported that there were around 200 homes with flood damage. Fire crews responded to 145 calls for service, mostly for issues related to water and flooding. They warned residents to avoid walking in standing water, which could be contaminated with sewage.

And still, the Attleboro area may have dodged a bullet.

As with the previous storm, the National Weather Service confirmed the presence of a tornado actually a cluster of four tornados, striking Connecticut, Rhode Island, and North Attleboro.

Might we be witnessing the development of a new “tornado alley,” spreading into Massachusetts?

The North Attleboro tornado had estimated winds of 75 mph and a length of 370 feet, which is about the length of a football field. Fortunately, it touched down in a rural area, causing mostly tree damage.

Here’s a picture of a housing complex parking lot in Attleboro on Wednesday, September 13 after the storm had moved on. Notice the rushing water at the bottom of the picture.

Meanwhile, 30 miles to our north, North Andover and Andover took three consequential hits within a two-month period.

On Tuesday, August 8, more than six inches of rain fell within a six-hour period. Flood water reaching five feet poured into homes and businesses. First floors and foundations naturally received the brunt of the flood damage.

On Friday, August 11, another storm, producing three inches of rain, fell in a two-hour period, bringing additional destruction to many of the same homes and businesses that were damaged on August 8.

North Andover, alone, sustained nearly $30 million in flood damage to public buildings, schools, businesses, and private homes. Some roads were completely washed away.

Here’s a picture taken in the North Andover business district.

As soon as the cleanup began, Town Manager Melissa Murphy-Rodrigues reported that: “Insurance claims have already started to be denied.”

On Friday, September 8, a new storm hit, targeting Andover. The high winds snapped tree limbs and ripped mature trees out of the ground blocking streets, landing on homes, cars, and downing power lines. There were widespread reports of live wires lying across roads and sidewalks, leaving most residents and businesses without power.

Here’s a shot that captures one section of downed trees and power lines.

And, lastly, let’s look 36 miles to our west at the City of Leominster.

On  Monday, September 11 a torrential storm, according to Mayor Dean Mazzarella, “stalled out over the city as it delivered a life-threatening amount of rain and flooding between 4 p.m. and 10 p.m..”

Roads were left impassable, a heavily trafficked bridge collapsed, and hundreds of residents needed to be rescued with boats.

The mayor gave the early estimation for infrastructure repair costs at anywhere from $25 to $40 million. "That's just city infrastructure," Mazzarella said. "We're trying to work on what assistance we can get to our businesses and our homeowners. Homeowners are finding out that in many cases they're not covered by insurance. And so we're trying to help them out."

The city said a relief fund has been set up to support the residents affected by the flood.

You have probably seen pictures on local and national newscasts of the famous Leominster sinkhole and the house across from it.


This sinkhole resulting from road buckling is one of many. The home at the top of the picture has now been officially condemned. If there’s a bright side to the sinkholes, it’s that they are making it easier for DPW crews to replace ruptured water and sewer pipes.

Stalled-out storms played a major role in the devastation brought to each of the four regions mentioned above. Instead of spreading the rainfall over larger areas of land, the stalled-out storms dumped record-breaking levels of rain and maintained longer periods of battering wind on those concentrated areas. 

Those storms stalled out because of blocking patterns, sometimes called atmospheric traffic jams, that prevented those storms from continuing on their paths.

The overall weather system moved slowly because of a blocking pattern in the atmosphere that led to the storm’s low-pressure circulation getting stuck behind a large area of high-pressure over Greenland.

So, now Watertown has to worry about what is happening in the atmosphere over Greenland?

The answer is: Yes.

To date, I have watched approximately 50 TV interviews of residents who witnessed Mother Nature’s destruction in those communities to our north, south, and west. There is one outstanding common denominator. Longtime residents of 30 to 60 years in those communities, were visibly stunned and made statements that boiled down to this: I have never seen anything like this before.

So far, the weather in 2023 has been much more extreme than most experts expected it to be, and it’s anybody’s guess what this winter will have in store for us. Is there any reason to believe that 2024, 2025, and beyond will be less extreme?

Does anyone know what it would be like if two months of rain were to fall on Watertown in two days, on top of saturated ground?

Would low-lying roads, adjacent to the river, including Pleasant Street, Main Street, and Watertown Street be flooded?

Would streets buckle, causing sinkholes that would expose water and sewer pipes to further damage?

How likely is it that flood waters would be contaminated with sewage?

Would ground saturation and high winds bring down trees and limbs on top of power lines, killing power to the whole city?

Do we even know enough to answer those questions?

Watertown has a $10.5 million slush fund compliments of ARPA, the American Rescue Plan Act. The city received 32 applications requesting a share of that fund. Some of them would benefit a segment of the community. Some would benefit a sliver of the community.

All of the applications were submitted by the deadline date of March 26 – about 15 weeks before the stalled-out storm flooded Montpelier and much of Vermont on July 10 and 11.  

DPW has applied for about half of the $10.5 million, specifying that the money would cover the costs of replacing leaking pipes, and noting that 75 to 80 miles of those pipes are over 100 years old.

Some prominent voices, with their own pet projects, consider DPW’s request to be greedy and unnecessary. In the environment in which we now find ourselves, I think the amount of the request is woefully inadequate.

I have one final question. Despite the alarming cluster of rarely seen weather events that have happened to communities surrounding Watertown, do our leaders have an “it can’t happen here” mentality that makes us all sitting ducks?

Quack. Quack. Quack.


Bruce Coltin, The Battle for Watertown 

Friday, September 8, 2023


Dear Committee Chair Airasian, Vice Chair Izzo, and Secretary Piccirilli,

On Monday, September 11, you will meet to discuss and receive community input on the qualities needed in our next police chief.

I laid out the first part of my own input in Watertown’s Police Reformers Want To Choose Our Next Top Cop. What Could Possibly Go Wrong? While the subject of that post is random violence by individuals, the focus of this open letter is on large-scale crime of an organized nature.

I don’t need a crystal ball to tell you that you will be (and probably already are), on the receiving end of a loud, well-organized effort on behalf of a small group of residents to narrow those desired qualities in accord with their ideological beliefs.

Their intention, as we have heard during three meetings of the Committee on Public Safety, beginning in March of 2021, is to bring reforms to the Watertown Police Department that will expose and put an end to alleged racially biased policing conducted by the department.

At that time, only one of you – Councilor Piccirilli was a member of the Committee. As they say, this is a brand-new ballgame. In conducting an official community discussion about the qualities needed in our next police chief, the opportunity to restore and reaffirm the true meaning of public safety is, for now, in your hands.

Public safety is not accidental and it’s not guaranteed. And the challenges to public safety are too often hidden from plain sight. If someone were to ask you: On a one-to-10 scale, how would you rate the threat of serious crime in Watertown? What would you answer?

I would define serious crimes as those criminal acts that have the potential to result in the physical harm or death of the victims.

I would bet that most residents would call it a 1, 2, or 3. How about you? Before answering you might decide to review the public police reports, which would be a good first step.

But public police reports purposely provide minimal information, showing us only the tip of the iceberg. Here’s a perfect example:

Dec. 29, 2022 at 9:53 p.m.: ”Watertown detectives who were in the parking lot of Target attending to another matter spotted a car with New Jersey license plates pull in. Then a second person walked over and got into the vehicle. The car pulled out of the lot and got onto Arsenal Street.

The officer observed the vehicle get stuck trying to make an illegal left turn into Arsenal Yards from westbound Arsenal Street. The car then headed west on the wrong side of the road.

Police pulled over the vehicle on Bond Street in Arsenal Yards. The officers asked the men what they were doing in the Target lot and one said he was meeting someone to collect $15,000.

Based on the officer’s experience and knowledge he suspected a drug sale was taking place. He got permission to search the vehicle and in the rear of the car he located a kilogram of a substance suspected to be fentanyl. A field test of the substance confirmed it was fentanyl.

Aneudy Richardson-Jimenez, 34, of Jersey City, New Jersey, and Socorro Alcantra De La Cruz, 34 of Jersey City, New Jersey, were arrested. Both face a charge of trafficking fentanyl.”

This particular report, as it appeared in Watertown News, provided more information than most others but it probably commanded very little of your attention, if you even noticed it at all.

Let’s go deeper. Did you find the mention of a kilogram of fentanyl alarming? I did. And so should every Watertown resident, especially every elected official.

1 kilogram = 1,000,000 milligrams. According to the CDC, as little as 2 milligrams is lethal for most humans.

So the two New Jersey men were carrying enough fentanyl to potentially kill 500,000 people. We often refer to those individuals as overdose victims. That characterization is dangerously inaccurate. In reality, they are victims of criminal poisoning.

Here’s a picture comparing a lethal dose of fentanyl with a lethal dose of heroin. It will tell you all you need to know about why fentanyl is so profitable and so lethal.

 Fentanyl has revolutionized the illicit drug industry because It’s so easy to hide so easy to transport, and so easy to combine with other illicit drugs to make them exponentially more addictive. If it doesn’t kill you it makes you a zombie, or in the eyes of drug traffickers, a valuable, repeat customer.

Here’s what the police report does not tell us:

Prior to the arrest, had these two traffickers sold drugs elsewhere in Watertown? Had they not been arrested as a result of heads-up police work and reckless driving, where would they be headed next? Do the two men have prior criminal records? Were they members or affiliates of a national street gang? Was Watertown a regular stop for them as well as for members of their distribution network? Did their arrest lead to additional arrests or investigations by state, federal, and local law enforcement agencies?

We are unlikely to have the answers to these and other pertinent questions until this case works its way through the court system, which might be years from now.

Why is that a public safety problem?

When critical information on serious crime is understandably unavailable to us, and when the information that is available is buried in a public police report that is noticed by a small segment of the population, it serves to reinforce the false perception that Watertown’s serious crime threat is at the low end of the scale.

It’s human nature. What we can’t see won’t hurt us.

Let’s take a look at one more police report, published in Watertown News.

July 25, 2023, at 11:48 a.m.: “Detectives from the Suburban Middlesex County Drug Task Force observed a man making a drug sale on Brookline Street. The man had been under investigation for a month. After the sale, police pulled the suspect’s vehicle over. They immediately noticed two tied-off corner plastic bags with a white rock substance inside the vehicle. The man was arrested and the car was towed to the police station for further investigation. A police search dog discovered a compartment inside the vehicle with 108 corner bags with cocaine and fentanyl inside. The substances were field tested and will be sent to the State Crime Lab for confirmation. Police said the bust took a significant amount of drugs off the streets. Bryan Jean Carlos Vallejo Perez, 28, of Boston, was arrested on charges of trafficking a Class B drug (cocaine), trafficking a Class A drug (fentanyl), and possession with intent to distribute a Class B drug (cocaine).”

On a trip to the clerk’s office at Waltham District Court, I found an additional police record listing the total weight of the fentanyl at approximately 16 grams and the total weight of the cocaine at approximately 36 grams.

Cocaine is considered a “party drug,” which, on its own is highly addictive. The addition of fentanyl (usually unknown to the users) takes it to a completely different level – a level where a lethal overdose is really a case of criminal poisoning.

Unlike the case in the first police report, this one shows the result of targeted police work. I would ask the same types of questions here, but again, it could be years before getting any of those questions answered. And, in this case, I would ask one more question:

How many ongoing investigations by the Suburban Middlesex County Drug Task Force are currently in progress?

As the designated monitors of Watertown’s public safety, wouldn’t that be useful information?

I don’t expect any of you to do this, but if you comb through the public police reports in Watertown, Waltham, Newton, Cambridge, Somerville, Boston, and the Massachusetts State Police, as well as press releases from DEA and DOJ, where convictions, sentences handed out by the courts, crime details, and gang affiliations are made public, you will likely see the same picture that I see.

While incidents of serious crime in Watertown are few, the actual serious crime threat is higher than most people think. Just how high, we may never know, but if we can get closer to that reality, we will be a smarter and safer community.

What do I want in the next police chief? I would like a chief who makes us more aware of the real threat level and gives us a view – even from 30 thousand feet – of how the Watertown Police Department monitors it and deals with it.

The next time drug merchants from Boston, New Jersey, or anywhere else are busted on one of our streets or in one of our parking lots for trafficking thousands or hundreds of thousands of doses of fentanyl poison, I would like the chief to go before the cameras and make that announcement for all to hear.

This kind of message warrants amplification, not just notification.  

Though he may only be able to show us the tip of the iceberg, the next police chief should make it a priority to periodically remind us that real public safety is not guaranteed and that it is not accidental.

We are right now at a critical tipping point. We can come to appreciate the need for robust policing to deal with the real crime threat or we can yield to those few who believe that we have more to fear from the police than from the criminals.

Bryan Jean Carlos Vallejo Perez, Aneudy Richardson-Jimenez, and Socorro Alcantra De La Cruz are three members of a “marginalized community,” victimized by a racist society who were racially profiled by a police department, riddled with systemic racism. Attention: future Human Rights Commissioners!

At your September 11 meeting, the police reform group will continue to try to dominate the discussion, lecturing you that: The next chief must have impeccable antiracist credentials. He must be willing to accept a citizens advisory committee. He must graciously answer to the Human Rights Commission. You, the members of the Committee on Public Safety, must understand that they, alone, occupy the moral high ground.

I know a few of these reformers, and I don’t doubt their sincerity. But their efforts are grossly misplaced. They are not living in Minneapolis, Ferguson, Baltimore, or Memphis. Here in the townish City of Watertown, where we are fortunate to have a well-hired, well-trained, thoroughly decent police force, these well-meaning reformers are downright dangerous.

You know this town better than they do and you know our police department a lot better than they do.

I ask the three of you to please stand up for the commonsense public safety of every law-abiding individual who lives here, works here, or visits here.

Your community needs you as never before!


Bruce Coltin, Marion Road


PS: In 2021 and 2022, Overdose deaths of teens tripled, and overdose deaths of Black teens surged five-fold.

PPS: In 2021 and 2022, synthetic opioid/fentanyl fatalities among children aged 14 and under rose faster than any other age group, and more than tripled in just two years. 



T he latest assault on the community took place on Thursday, June 13 at the Middle School, before a joint meeting of the City Council and th...